Blender tips

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Tips On Getting That Extra Boost From Your Blender

Blenders are an extremely useful kitchen appliance that can see you through a number of everyday tasks from making your morning smoothie to whipping up a tasty, slurp-worthy soup. Treating your blender right will ensure that it lasts longer and consistently produces smooth, creamy blends every time you use it.

How To Treat Your Blender Right

The first step to treating your blender right is being conscious of what goes into it. Only blenders with high power speeds and stainless steel blades should be used for blending solids like ice and frozen fruits.

You can check the product description or instructional manual to ensure that your machine can handle hard solids. You should also cut up fruits and vegetables before you pop them in as this will make the blending process easier.

When making blended drinks and smoothies, you should layer your ingredients with the liquid going in first followed by the softer fruits or vegetables and the ice and bigger chunks going in last.

Some models come equipped with a tamper, which is a spherical plastic rod that can be inserted through the lid of the container and can be used to nudge larger chunks of ice and fruit towards the rotating blade. Following these simple tips will ensure that you have a smoother blend.

These helpful machines can be used for a number of tasks from pureeing food to creaming soups, blending cake filling, making salad dressing and can even mimic the functions of a food processor in chopping up vegetables and nuts. However, there are a number of tasks for which a blender is not suitable; these include mashing potatoes, kneading bread, whipping egg whites or heavy cream as well as extracting the juice from fruits and vegetables.

Safety tips

Anytime high speed blades come into the picture, you know you have to be extra careful. In the case of your trusty mixing machine it is important to use the appropriate speed setting for whatever you are blending.

Generally when mixing soft items, a lower power setting will suffice, while for an ice blended beverage, you will need to up the ante. Your instruction manual or product guide should provide you with some basic guidelines on the speed you should be using for different items.

Extended use of the machine on the high speed should be avoided as this can cause the motor to overwork, it is best to allow the machine to work in pulses, or short bursts of high speed.

Ensure that the lid is tightly

screwed on and as a precaution you could also secure the lid by placing your hand over it. Always turn the blender off and allow the blades to come to a complete stop before removing the plastic jar from the base. You should wash the plastic blending jar after every use; a little soap and water should do the trick.

Allow the jar to dry completely before storing it; you can leave it out to dry in an inverted position so that the water will not collect in the bearings. Never attempt to wash the base of the blender as this is where the motor is located; instead you can clean it with a damp cloth.
When blending hot liquids it is wise to leave the feeder cap open, this is located on the top of the lid.

Put It To Work!

A lot of people tend to purchase kitchen appliances like blenders on a whim or as part of a new lifestyle they are trying to follow and when the novelty wears off, the machines end up sitting in kitchen cabinets and gathering dust. To avoid sending your blender into early retirement in your cabinet, you can try and make it part of your everyday life.

By getting the blender out regularly, you are more likely to commit to a healthier lifestyle whether it’s drinking smoothies as a meal replacement or preparing your own soups and purees. These are bound to be more nutritious and satisfying than the store bought variety that usually comes packed with preservatives.

These homemade options are also considerably cheaper than the store bought variety, a berry smoothie can cost upwards of $5 at most chain stores but if you purchase the ingredients and make it yourself, you can enjoy the delicious treat for a fraction of the cost.

With these tips and tricks you will be able to make the most out of your blender and ensure that the money you invested in it is worth your while. The Vitamix 5200 for instance, is a top notch blender that is so versatile and durable that many commercial kitchens employ its use.

It is undoubtedly a slightly pricy purchase but when you think about quality and durability, it is worth every penny.

Just Juice Or Blend Baby Blend

Overhauling your lifestyle involves a number of important decisions on food, exercise and everyday practices. One of the cardinal rules of living a healthy life is eating a lot of fruits and vegetables and many try to up their intake of fruits and veggies through juices, shakes and smoothies. This naturally leads to the question of whether to get a juicer or a blender.

Who would think buying a kitchen appliance would require so much thought?

Well, in the world of nifty new age wellness, there are a number of things that you need to consider before making the all important purchase.

Juice or Smoothies?

The primary consideration that you need make is which you prefer as part of your diet; juices or smoothies.

Juices are excellent tools to cleanse and heal your system. In fact juice fasts have been known to aid recovery from illness and to encourage weight loss.

Drinking fresh juice allows your body to absorb the nutrients from fruits in a fast and easy way. A cup of apple juice for instance, will require two to three whole apples on average, giving you two to three times the benefit of simply eating an apple.

Advocates of juices and smoothies alike argue that drinking your fruits and vegetables allow you to absorb more nutrients than through eating, research has not been conclusive either way.

Nevertheless, drinking your fruits and vegetables can be easier on the digestive tract and is thus suited to the elderly or those with stomach problems.

Juices can give you a much needed energy boost but those on the opposing team argue that they fail to keep you full for an extended period.

Smoothies on the other hand can be an effective meal replacement.

When you add green vegetables and fiber to the mix, they can aid digestion and provide a slow release of sugars into the blood stream. Juices tend to be digested more quickly, this accounts for that spike in energy that you feel shortly after consuming juice.

A juicer also filters out the fiber, stem, seed and pulp of any fruit you put through it, so that all you get is that liquid gold. This filtration is also why kids tend to prefer juice to eating the actual thing, as the taste of vegetables can be milder in juice form. In a blender on the other hand, everything gets thrown into the mix, jam packing your blends with fiber, pulp and the works.

Smoothies can be refrigerated and stored for consumption later, without any significant loss of taste or quality. Fresh juices however tend to be best when consumed immediately.

Which Machine Matches Your Style

Both machines are useful in their own right but they have different features and thus cater to different crowds. The key question is which machine fits your style better.

A blender is the more versatile of the two in that it can be used for a variety of other purposes apart from smoothie making. For example, you could make smooth soups and purees in your blender. Some also use it as a kitchen processor of sorts, for chopping up ingredients like onions, garlic and other ingredients.

A juicer gives you a very specific experience; the ability to extract juice and nutrients from whatever you pop into it. It allows you to extract the juice from produce that you would not be able to juice in a regular blender; like beetroot or carrot for instance, both of which are popular ingredients in juices.

The quick clean up is another plus point for the humble blender, you simply have to wash out the container with soap and water and you are ready to go. Cleaning up a juicer can be a little trickier as you will need to disassemble the parts to clear out the remnants of whatever you just juiced.

Juicing also requires a little more preparation time, as you will need to cut up all the fruits so that they can be put through the juicer. In the case of a blender, most small fruits can be put in whole or halved.

The blender’s large container mixer allows you to add supplements and healthy extras like a shot of whey or wheatgrass to your concoction, with ease. If you wanted to add anything to your juice, you would have to mix it in separately

Bottom Line

Blenders Give You That Added Boost

What it ultimately comes down to is a question of versatility. The blender is a one stop machine for so many of your kitchen processing needs.

Apart from creating delicious smoothies it can be used for everyday cooking and can even lend a hand when you are baking. Juicers may be more suited to those who are passionate about incorporating fresh juice into their everyday diet.

Price is another consideration with blenders costing less on average.

Nevertheless once you have made up your mind to get one, it is best to invest in a quality product that will guarantee you years of trusty use.

The Vitamix 5200 for instance, is one of the top picks on the blender circuit.

It is an investment piece that comes with a bit of a heavy price tag but it is well backed up with a 7 year warranty.

Whether you decide to juice or blend your way to good health, ultimately commitment and determination are key to achieving your body goals.